
Conversations Around Good - Nicol Ragland - Regenerate Oklahoma

In this episode we talk to Nicol Ragland of Regenerate Oklahoma (imagery craft specialist of 18+ years; environmental scientist; film maker and world traveler). She shares how her interest in "regenerative farming" began, and how it is much more than just organic, it's about actually healing the land. She also talks about how she traveled the world to discover what makes us us. That community isn't based on language or location. It comes down to connection. This episode will inspire you to make changes in your shopping habits, and provides tips on healing soil in your own back yard. Enjoy!

Conversation Around Good Episode 1 - Hannah Schmitt, Les Thomas, Garry Mize, John Bobb-Semple, Andrea Fillmore

Conversations Around Good

We are excited to be kicking off our Conversation Around Good with #communityminded businesses and individuals who believe that doing good is something we need to make loud.

Our first episode is with:

We are making doing good loud.